七库下载 手游攻略 手游评测 西藏·怒江72转大峡谷景区/小银建筑


时间:2024-11-20 09:10:27 来源:未知 浏览:0

项目视频、视频Chill Shine 邱文三英


南迦帕尔巴特峰南迦帕尔巴特峰 Chill Shine 丘文三英

姐妹海海子山 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying

邦达草原 Chill Shine 邱文三英

邦达草原 Architecture Exist

怒江72归也拉山怒江72归也拉山 Chill Shine 邱文三英

怒江72归也拉山怒江72归也拉山 Chill Shine 邱文三英

怒江七十二拐大峡谷,怒江七十二拐大峡谷 Architecture Exist

“眼睛在天堂,身体在地狱”这句话反映了许多西藏游客的亲身经历。尽管如此,西藏仍然是无数人的精神归宿。无论是文化信仰,还是风景风土人情,“体验”都是各类游客前往西藏的主要动机。无论是顶礼膜拜、徒步、骑行还是自驾,挑战自我是很多西藏爱好者的核心信念和追求。 2017年,我们通过然乌湖国际自驾房车露营项目,引进了西藏著名的东方明珠——然乌湖。七年后的今天,我们很高兴能与大家分享怒江七十二弯魔鬼之路的旅程。 2019年3月,一个大胆而大胆的梦想开始在七十二拐脚下的河边悬崖上成形。经过六年的艰苦挑战,2024年9月,怒江七十二拐峡谷景区已竣工。它的到来将为G318旅客提供一个追求刺激和挑战的新游乐场。


然乌湖国际自驾房车营地,然乌湖国际自驾房车营地 Exist Architecture

怒江七十二转大峡谷景区鸟瞰图 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying





怒江72归也拉山,怒江72归也拉山 Exist Architecture

怒江72驾驶视野 Chill Shine 丘文三英

高空观景台的发夹弯 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying




怒江七十二拐 小银建筑



高空玻璃观景台 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying

高空玻璃观景台 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying

乘客在天路检票 Chill Shine丘文三英

怒江七十二弯大峡谷 Chill Shine丘文三英

横跨怒江的滑索、惊险刺激的挑战桥在国内同类游乐项目中已不再新鲜,但它们的出现在这里却是极其必要的。回顾川藏公路的建设过程,我们可以发现大量类似此类游乐设施的建设场景。正是这些极其危险的施工方法,才成就了川藏公路的奇迹。 70年前,在路桥建设技术还不成熟的时代,建设者的智慧和勇气不能不令人敬佩。虽然我们现在拥有非常先进的施工技术和方法,但由于怒江峡谷的地理和交通限制,怒江七十二转大峡谷景区的建设仍然只能用几十年前的许多“土法”来呈现。通过体验高空滑索和惊心动魄的桥梁挑战,我们可以更深入地了解川藏公路建设的难度。这就是他们存在的意义和价值。

川藏公路与景区对比·滑索 小银建筑

横跨怒江的滑索和惊险阶梯挑战桥在全国同类游乐项目中并不是什么新鲜概念,但它们在这里的存在是必要的。回顾川藏公路的建设历程,类似游乐设施在建的场景不胜枚举;正是这些极其危险的施工方式,成就了川藏公路的奇迹。 70年前,当道路桥梁建设技术还不成熟时,建设者的智慧和勇气确实令人敬佩。虽然我们现在拥有非常先进的建设技术和方法,但怒江峡谷的地理和交通限制,意味着怒江七十二拐峡谷景区的建设仍然依赖于许多几十年前的“传统方法”。通过滑索和惊险阶梯挑战桥的体验,我们可以更深刻地体会到川藏公路建设所面临的困难,这才是它们存在的真正意义和价值。


游客乘坐滑索过河 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying

高空滑索过江 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying

怒江银河高空滑索 Architectural Exist

怒江上空的银河 Chill Shine 丘文三英

挑战桥,步步惊险 Architectural Exist

挑战桥,步步惊险 Architectural Exist


川藏公路与景区对比·吊桥 小银建筑

从景区向八秀方向行驶,不到两公里就是著名的怒江大桥。原来的怒江大桥是钢结构,桥面由坚固的钢板制成,足以支撑车辆通行。当时戒备森严,车辆必须停车接受检查并排队单行过关。开车穿过摇摇欲坠的桥的经历令人心碎。如今,怒江新桥已经竣工,怒江老桥也成为了一段令人敬仰的历史,其生动的故事和场景至今仍为人们所传诵和铭记。横跨江面的玻璃吊桥的设计灵感来自怒江那座摇摇欲坠的钢桥。玻璃吊桥采用索桥的形式,自然带来摇曳的感觉。怒江的狂风进一步加剧了不稳定,高透明度的玻璃甲板更增加了游客的肾上腺素激增。同时,玻璃吊桥作为连接怒江两岸的重要纽带,极大便利了景区今后的徒步、户外探险等活动。当游客沿着悬在怒江之上50 米的玻璃桥上漫步时,他们可以感受风的吹拂、听到湍急的水流、咆哮的河流、目睹汹涌的海浪——一切都那么近。这些感觉将长久地留在参观者的脑海中,在他们未来的记忆中激起涟漪。

跨河玻璃吊桥 Exist Architecture

跨河玻璃吊桥 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying

跨河玻璃吊桥 Chill ShineQiu Wensanying



nic Spots·Sky Road © 小隐建筑 The sightseeing elevator on the southern bank of the Nujiang River was designed because the steep terrain makes it difficult for tourists to walk. From a convenience standpoint, elevators could have been installed on both banks. On the north bank, for example, after crossing the glass suspension bridge, visitors could take an elevator to easily reach the Leaf Viewing Platform, ascend a short slope to the Space Capsule Viewing Platform, and then climb another short slope to finish, making the entire experience much more relaxed and comfortable. However, we chose to forgo this comfort and did not install an elevator on the north bank. Instead, we built the “Sky Fury 666 Ladder.” When visitors, breathless and letting out a string of curses, finally complete this challenging climb and look back at the road they’ve traveled, they will come to truly understand the hardships faced by the builders of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway and the Nujiang River 72 Turns Canyon Scenic Area. Only then can they fully appreciate the meaning of “measuring the treacherous Nujiang with one’s own body.” While the final stretch of the journey is difficult, it is still just a brief, voluntary physical exhaustion, unburdened by heavy loads. But achieving these monumental engineering feats was the work of brave souls, some of whom even gave their lives. How many successes in life are easily attained? Often, the moment closest to success is the hardest. This final stretch, beyond inspiring awe, may also allow visitors to gain an embodied understanding through their physical experience. ▼横跨怒江的大峡谷景区,The Grand Canyon Scenic Area across the Nujiang River © 存在建筑 ▼怒江南岸,South Bank of Nujiang River © 存在建筑 ▼怒江南岸远眺悬崖观光电梯,Nujiang South Bank overlooking the cliff sightseeing elevator © 存在建筑 ▼悬崖上的天怒666梯栈道,Flowery bamboo lotus © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼镶嵌在崖壁上的天怒666梯,The Tiannu 666 Stairs embedded in the cliff © 存在建筑 ▼天怒666梯俯瞰怒江,Tiannu 666 ladder overlooking Nujiang River © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼怒江悬崖上的野生岩羊,Wild blue sheep on the Nujiang cliff© 小隐建筑 ▼天怒666梯俯瞰怒江,Tiannu 666 ladder overlooking Nujiang River © 存在建筑 ▼悬崖上的发卡弯栈道,Hairpin bend on the cliff © 存在建筑 ▼天怒666梯仰视太空梭观景台,Skywrath 666 ladder looking up at the Space Shuttle Observation Deck © 存在建筑 ▼天怒666梯回望太空梭观景台,Looking back at the Space Shuttle Observation Deck from Skywrath 666 © 存在建筑 ▼太空梭观景台望向主观景台,Space Shuttle Observation Deck looking toward Main Observation Deck © 存在建筑 ▼太空梭观景台远眺,Space Shuttle Observatory Overlooking © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼苍凉峡谷中的一抹藏红,A touch of Tibetan red in the desolate canyon © 存在建筑


怒江72拐大峡谷景区的设计力求将怒江天险的体验推向极致,“险中求险,挑战自我”,打造西藏新的地理标志。让G318的旅行者挣脱车辆的束缚,用身体丈量怒江天险。这里将为游客提供一处挑战自我身体、心理、思维的“道场”,成就一次以自己身体为刻度的难忘旅行体验。 The design of the Nujiang River 72 Turns Canyon Scenic Area aims to elevate the experience of confronting the peril of the Nujiang River to the extreme, embodying the concept of “seeking danger within danger and challenging oneself,” thus creating a new geographical landmark for Tibet. It allows travelers on the G318 to break free from the confines of their vehicles and measure the peril of the Nujiang River with their own bodies. This area will provide visitors with a space to challenge their physical, psychological, and mental limits, crafting an unforgettable travel experience that is measured by their own endurance. ▼横跨怒江的大峡谷景区,The Grand Canyon Scenic Area across the Nujiang River © 存在建筑 ▼百米绝壁上的观景台,Observation deck on a 100-meter cliff © 存在建筑 ▼观景台屹立在沧桑雄阔的崖壁上,The observation deck stands on the majestic cliff © 存在建筑 ▼悬崖上的高空玻璃观景台,High-altitude glass observation deck on the cliff © 存在建筑 ▼悬崖上的一叶观景台和太空梭观景台,The One Leaf Observation Deck and the Space Shuttle Observation Deck on the Cliff © 存在建筑 ▼高透玻璃形成的天路,Sky Road formed by high-transparency glass © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼守望远方旅客的到来,Watching for the arrival of travelers from afar © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼观景台守望远方旅客的到来,The observation deck watches the arrival of tourists from afar © Chill Shine丘文三映 长在悬崖之上的梦想——历时六年的高海拔工程实践挑战 西藏大部分地区一年有超过5个月的冰雪天气,夏季突发的雨雪、高温、大风等恶劣天气使得一年当中可以正常施工的时间和周期非常有限。另外,西藏地形复杂,大部分地区道路崎岖、弯多弯急、隧道涵洞密布,这些问题在怒江72拐和怒江大峡谷“老虎嘴”等路段尤为突出。泥石流塌方等造成道路损毁的情况也时有发生,这对施工材料和施工设备运输带来非常大的影响。超过13米的建材几乎无法运达施工现场,大型施工设备如吊车、打桩机等无法运送,道路损毁和恶劣天气也会导致运输时间的不可控。高海拔对施工人员身体体能更是一项非常大的挑战,怒江观景台海拔2800米左右,仅做桩基础打孔工作就换了6波工人。很多低海拔地区的施工人员根本无法适应高海拔气候,这也导致施工人员的选择变得局限。 ▼怒江72拐的车祸,The car accident at the 72 turn on Nujiang River © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼怒江大峡谷老虎嘴,Nujiang Grand Canyon Tiger Mouth © 小隐建筑 Tibet experiences over five months of snow and ice weather each year in most areas. The sudden rain, snow, high temperatures, and strong winds in summer create a very limited time frame and cycle for normal construction activities throughout the year. Additionally, Tibet’s complex terrain features rugged roads with many sharp turns and a high density of tunnels and culverts, making these challenges particularly prominent in sections like the Nujiang 72 Turns and the “Tiger Mouth” in the Nujiang Grand Canyon. Instances of landslides and mudflows causing road damage also occur frequently, significantly impacting the transportation of construction materials and equipment. Materials longer than 13 meters are nearly impossible to deliver to the construction site, and large construction equipment such as cranes and pile drivers cannot be transported. Road damage and harsh weather also contribute to uncontrollable transportation times. ▼怒江下游悬崖边远眺观景台,The viewing platform on the cliff of the lower reaches of Nujiang River © 存在建筑 ▼观景台屹立在沧桑雄阔的崖壁上,The observation deck stands on the majestic cliff © 存在建筑 ▼俯瞰跨江高空玻璃吊桥,Overlooking the high-altitude glass suspension bridge across the river © 存在建筑 高海拔也对一些施工工艺带来非常大的挑战,如电焊、混凝土浇筑、金属板材的安装等。西藏昼夜温差极大,建筑选材也需要非常慎重,避免采用变形系数大的板材,这些材料容易受温差变化导致老化、变形、脱落的加剧,石材、木材、水泥制品、当地本土材料和一些变形系数小的金属材料比较适用。另外,要尽可能多的采用胶粘的施工工艺,少采用水泥粘接的施工工艺。一方面高寒地区施工周期短不利于水泥粘接施工,极大的温差和冬季冰冻也会造成水泥粘接大量的开裂、剥落、脱落、碱蚀等。 The high altitude presents a significant physical challenge for construction workers; for example, the Nujiang Viewing Platform is located at an altitude of around 2,800 meters, leading to six different waves of workers just for the pile foundation drilling work. Many workers from lower altitude areas simply cannot adapt to the high-altitude climate, which further limits the pool of available labor. High altitude also poses significant challenges for certain construction processes, such as electric welding, concrete pouring, and metal sheet installation. The temperature difference between day and night in Tibet is extreme, so careful selection of building materials is essential. It’s important to avoid using materials with a high deformation coefficient, as these can age, deform, or detach more easily due to temperature fluctuations. Suitable materials include stone, wood, cement products, locally sourced materials, and some metals with low deformation coefficients. Additionally, it is advisable to use adhesive construction techniques as much as possible and minimize the use of cement bonding methods. On one hand, the short construction cycle in cold regions is not conducive to cement bonding work, while significant temperature differences and winter freezing can lead to cracking, spalling, detachment, and alkali corrosion in cement joints. ▼钢结构大悬挑的观景台,Steel structure cantilevered observation deck © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼耐候钢、玻璃、钢结构作为主材,Weathering steel, glass, and steel structure are the main materials © Chill Shine丘文三映 怒江72拐大峡谷景区在建造过程中遇到的一系列施工难题,在西藏地区的建筑工程中是极具代表性的,几乎囊括了藏区所有建筑工程遇到的问题。项目设计之初,我们就提出了“挑战”的理念,除了为游客提供独特的“挑战”体验之外,项目本身的设计和建造也是一次高海拔地区工程建设的重大“挑战”,对我们在藏地工程的建筑实践有着非常重要的意义。 The construction process of the Nujiang River 72 Turns Canyon Scenic Area faced a series of challenges that are highly representative of construction projects in Tibet, encompassing nearly all the issues encountered in the region’s architectural endeavors. From the very beginning of the project design, we established the concept of “challenge.” Beyond providing visitors with a unique “challenging” experience, the design and construction of the project itself represent a significant “challenge” in high-altitude engineering. This has great significance for our architectural practices in Tibet. ▼项目2019年至2024年建造过程,Project construction process from 2019 to 2024 © 小隐建筑 怒江72拐大峡谷景区北岸紧临G318,道路设施非常完善,但南岸却仅有可供人徒手攀爬步行的毛路,可达性非常差。同时,项目海拔较高,空气含氧量低,且正好处于河谷风口,常年伴随六级以上大风。两岸山体表层地质结构不够稳定,雨季期间落石现象时有发生,施工安全隐患极大。项目从一开始的地形测绘、地质勘查开始,设计工作就困难重重。为了营造天路72拐和怒江大峡谷“险中求险”的极致体验,设计方案也做了非常大胆的尝试。后续为之做了大量的专项设计论证工作,地灾评估、风洞试验、TMD计算、悬臂钢结构施工模拟等,为后期的施工建造提供了足够的技术支撑。项目建设过程中,我们联合多家权威机构、多位业界专家、教授与施工团队一起攻克了重重难关,历时六年,终于让项目得以完美的落地呈现。以下例举几个让我印象深刻的事情,以对工友们的智慧与勇气聊表敬意! ▼工人在悬崖上测量放线,Workers measuring and setting out lines on the cliff © 小隐建筑 The north bank of the Nujiang River 72 Turns Canyon Scenic Area is adjacent to the G318 highway, with well-developed road facilities, while the south bank only has rough paths for hand-climbing, making accessibility very poor. Additionally, the project is situated at a high altitude with low oxygen levels and is located right in the valley wind corridor, often experiencing winds of level six or higher. The geological structure of the mountain slopes on both banks is unstable, and rockfalls are common during the rainy season, posing significant safety hazards for construction. From the very beginning, starting with terrain mapping and geological surveys, the design work faced numerous challenges. To create the ultimate “extreme challenge” experience of the Sky Road 72 Turns and the Nujiang Grand Canyon, the design plans involved very bold attempts. Subsequently, extensive specialized design verification was conducted, including disaster assessments, wind tunnel tests, TMD calculations, and cantilever steel structure construction simulations, all providing sufficient technical support for the later construction phase. During the project’s construction, we collaborated with multiple authoritative institutions, industry experts, and professors, along with our construction team, to overcome numerous obstacles. After six years of hard work, the project was successfully brought to fruition. Here, I would like to highlight a few impressive moments that pay tribute to the wisdom and courage of our workers! ▼栈道、玻璃吊桥将怒江两岸连接起来,Plank roads and glass suspension bridges connect the two sides of the Nujiang River © Chill Shine丘文三映 景区建筑物和构筑物分部在横跨260多米的怒江两岸,南岸崎岖的毛路需手脚并用才能通行。前期虽然做了详细的地形测绘,但在实际测量放线时还是困难重重。有些点位处于悬崖峭壁上,河谷的风非常大,无人机无法精准操控,只能选择RTK测量仪人工放线。因为没有施工便道,工人绑上安全绳悬吊在悬崖上测量放线的身影,让人触目惊心、忧心忡忡。但这还只是故事的开始,仅仅是个小小的序曲。 ▼工人在悬崖上测量放线,Workers measuring and setting out lines on the cliff © 小隐建筑 The scenic area’s buildings and structures are distributed across both banks of the Nujiang River, which spans over 260 meters. The south bank features rugged paths that require both hands and feet to navigate. Although detailed terrain mapping was conducted in advance, the actual measurement and alignment faced numerous difficulties. Some points were located on steep cliffs, and the strong winds in the valley made it impossible to control drones accurately; thus, we had to rely on RTK surveying equipment for manual alignment. Due to the lack of construction access roads, workers had to secure themselves with safety ropes and dangle over the cliffs to carry out measurements and alignment, a sight that was both alarming and concerning. But this was just the beginning of the story, merely a small overture. ▼通往南岸的高空跨江滑索,High-altitude zipline across the river to the south bank © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼连接两岸的高空玻璃吊桥,A high-altitude glass suspension bridge connecting the two banks © Chill Shine丘文三映


天路72拐和怒江大峡谷“老虎嘴”之间这个特殊的地理位置,导致大型机械无法运抵现场。高空玻璃观景台桩基础施工时,39个桩基分布在悬崖峭壁的不同地质面层,由于没有道路和平整的施工作业面,只能选择人工水磨钻方式进行桩基施工。地基下部全部为岩石,岩层不断变化,多数岩层极其坚硬,更换了国内市面上50多种钻头都无法达到钻孔深度。项目部送取岩石样品至重庆、山东等刀具厂家进行岩石分析,为项目量身定制钻头问题才得以解决。39个桩基最深的达25米,由于桩基很深,钻孔后期只能采用0.6米深分层钻取的方式,用直径110mm的水磨钻将周围一圈钻空取出,然后工人吊着安全绳下到直径1.8米的孔底,将中间剩余的岩石人工破碎,通过吊篮吊出。钻一层取一层,如此0.6米往下层层递进。39个桩基在更换6个施工班组的情况下,经过数百人的努力,历经半年之后才得以完成。 ▼桩基础的施工,Construction of pile foundation © 小隐建筑 The unique geographical location between the Sky Road 72 Turns and the “Tiger Mouth” of the Nujiang Grand Canyon made it impossible to transport large machinery to the site. During the construction of the pile foundations for the high-altitude glass viewing platform, 39 piles were distributed across different geological layers on the steep cliffs. Due to the lack of roads and a level working surface, we had to resort to manual water-cooled drilling methods for the pile foundation work. The substrate was entirely rocky, with constantly changing rock layers, and most of these layers were extremely hard. We tried over 50 different types of drill bits available in the domestic market, but none were able to reach the required drilling depth. The project team sent rock samples to tool manufacturers in Chongqing, Shandong, and elsewhere for analysis, which eventually led to the development of customized drill bits for the project. The deepest of the 39 piles reached 25 meters. Because of the depth, the later stages of drilling could only be conducted using a layered approach, drilling down 0.6 meters at a time. Workers used a 110 mm diameter water-cooled drill to create a circle of holes around the perimeter and then, secured by safety ropes, descended to the bottom of the 1.8-meter diameter hole to manually break up the remaining rock in the center, which was then hoisted out using a basket. This process involved drilling and extracting layer by layer, progressing downwards in increments of 0.6 meters. After changing six construction teams and with the effort of hundreds of workers over six months, the 39 pile foundations were finally completed. ▼高空玻璃观景台牢牢的嵌在悬崖上,The high-altitude glass observation deck is firmly embedded in the cliff © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼高空玻璃观景台牢牢的嵌在悬崖上,The high-altitude glass observation deck is firmly embedded in the cliff © 存在建筑 ▼怒江边打卡的游客,Tourists checking in at the Nujiang River © Chill Shine丘文三映 施工人员和材料在施工现场的转运也是一个难题。项目施工初期,由于怒江南岸没有施工便道,施工人员需要驾车绕行几公里,从临时便桥跨过怒江,再步行至施工点位,在海拔2800多米的条件下,工人从施工板房到达施工点位需要接近2个小时,来回耗费约4个小时(无负重的情况下)。南岸的各类建筑基础也是钢筋混凝土深桩基,主体采用钢结构、混凝土、钢构件、耐候钢板、不锈钢、特种玻璃等。用于怒江南岸的材料虽然经过多次的设计拆解,但仍然非常笨重,单靠人力依然无法运送。一些中小型的施工机械(挖掘机、破碎机、空压机等等)也无法到达南岸。为此,项目部采用几十年前修建川藏公路的跨江方式,搭建了临时跨江滑索,保障施工机械和施工人员在两岸的往来。后来又架设了货运滑索,保障施工材料顺利送达南岸。同时,多方协调努力,将一台100吨吊车从72拐方向送达北岸施工现场,并在北岸搭建了60式塔吊。施工材料运达现场后使用吊车卸货,通过塔吊转运至过江吊装平台,再通过滑索送达对岸,之后只得采用人工方式转运至各施工部位,前后需要至少四次转运。 ▼材料转运,Material transfer © 小隐建筑 The transportation of construction personnel and materials to the site was also a significant challenge. In the early stages of the project, due to the lack of access roads on the southern bank of the Nujiang River, construction workers had to drive several kilometers around to cross the river via a temporary bridge and then walk to the construction site. At an altitude of over 2,800 meters, it took workers nearly two hours to reach the site from the construction barracks, consuming about four hours for a round trip (without carrying any loads). The various building foundations on the south bank consisted of reinforced concrete deep piles, while the main structure utilized steel, concrete, steel components, weather-resistant steel plates, stainless steel, and special glass. Although the materials designated for the southern bank had undergone multiple design breakdowns, they were still quite heavy and could not be transported solely by manpower. Additionally, some small to medium-sized construction machinery (such as excavators, crushers, and air compressors) could not reach the south bank. To address these challenges, the project team implemented a temporary cableway similar to the one used decades ago during the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, allowing for the transportation of construction machinery and personnel between the two banks. Subsequently, a freight cableway was established to ensure that construction materials could be delivered smoothly to the southern bank. Through extensive coordination, a 100-ton crane was transported from the 72 Turns direction to the construction site on the northern bank, where a 60-ton tower crane was also erected. Once the construction materials arrived at the site, they were unloaded using the crane and transferred via the tower crane to a river-crossing hoisting platform. From there, the materials were sent across the river using the cableway, and subsequently, they had to be manually transported to various construction locations, requiring at least four transfer operations in total. ▼连接两岸的高空玻璃吊桥,A high-altitude glass suspension bridge connecting the two banks © 存在建筑 ▼连接两岸的高空玻璃吊桥,A high-altitude glass suspension bridge connecting the two banks © 存在建筑 由于地域交通的限制,浇筑混凝土这件稀松平常之事在怒江也变得异常艰难。距离项目地最近的混凝土搅拌站在八宿县城,相隔40多公里,车程约1个小时。由于项目地形和道路原因,搅拌车无法到达怒江南岸,搅拌车载重太重,也无法通过货运滑索过江。为此在怒江上搭建了一座约150米长的钢索便桥,在便桥上铺设混凝土输送专用管道,将混凝土打到对岸。由于管道过长,混凝土输送过程经常发生堵管的情况。一旦堵管则必须在一小时内立即疏通,否则混凝土凝固,就得重新铺设新的输送管道。另外由于搅拌站距离太远,搅拌车运输过程耗费时间久,跨江的输送也非常复杂,所以每一车混凝土都需要争分夺秒,合理安排好整个运输和浇筑流程,稍有不慎延误时间,一车混凝土就报废了。怒江南岸混凝土浇筑点位较多,部分悬崖顶部的栈道点位因输送距离太长,不能采用混凝土输送管直接浇筑,只能选择自拌料方式工作,为了达到质量要求,施工效率极低、进度极其缓慢。 ▼混凝土浇筑,Concrete pouring © 小隐建筑 ▼隧道锚施工,Tunnel anchor construction © 小隐建筑 Due to the limitations of regional transportation, the seemingly simple task of pouring concrete became exceptionally challenging in the Nujiang area. The nearest concrete mixing station is located in Baxoi County, over 40 kilometers away, with a travel time of about one hour. However, due to the terrain and road conditions, the mixer trucks could not reach the southern bank of the Nujiang River, and their heavy loads also prevented them from using the freight cableway to cross the river. To address this issue, a steel cable bridge approximately 150 meters long was constructed over the Nujiang River, along with a dedicated concrete delivery pipeline laid on the bridge to transport the concrete to the opposite bank. However, the length of the pipeline often led to blockages during the concrete delivery process. If a blockage occurred, it had to be cleared within an hour; otherwise, the concrete would solidify, necessitating the installation of a new delivery pipeline. Moreover, the significant distance from the mixing station resulted in long transportation times for the mixer trucks, making the cross-river delivery quite complex. Therefore, each batch of concrete had to be delivered and poured with utmost urgency, requiring careful scheduling of the entire transportation and pouring process. Any delay, even minor, could result in a batch of concrete being wasted. The southern bank had multiple concrete pouring locations, and some points on the tops of cliffs had delivery distances that were too long for direct pouring using the concrete delivery pipes. In such cases, workers had to resort to self-mixing concrete, which significantly lowered the construction efficiency and caused the progress to be extremely slow in order to meet quality requirements. ▼连接两岸的高空玻璃吊桥,A high-altitude glass suspension bridge connecting the two banks © Chill Shine丘文三映 在西藏这种交通运输不便、施工受天气影响非常大的地方,钢结构是非常理想的建造方式,现场施工量少、安装快捷、综合造价可控。高空玻璃观景台为钢桁架结构,悬臂端最远处悬挑37m,最近处悬挑27m,悬臂支座附近桁高2.4m,桁架高度由支座处向悬臂端逐渐减小,悬臂端部桁高1.5m,离怒江垂直高度130多米。由于G318的运输限制,采用钢结构建造时,要特别注意结构构件的合理拆分,保证材料力学性能的前提下,将材料拆分为便于运输的尺寸规格。整个钢结构桁架在工厂分46段制作运输至现场,在现场拼装后再进行吊装,其中悬挑部分主桁架分为26段。钢结构便于分解组合的特点,确保了观景台结构材料顺利的运输和安装落地。由于吊装对悬臂结构的预起拱、焊接、控制点位移等要求极高,加上现场随时伴有大风,整个安装过程对工人要求之高,在西藏地区也是罕见的。外观主材采用红色耐候钢板和进口SGP夹胶玻璃。这些主材共同特性是耐候性好,施工工艺相对简单,便于简化现场操作,利于项目落地。项目其他的组成部分也都采用钢结构、耐候钢板、玻璃这几种材料作为主材,在怒江大峡谷共同描绘了一抹别样的红色。 ▼钢结构安装,Steel structure installation © 小隐建筑 In Tibet, where transportation is inconvenient and construction is greatly affected by weather conditions, steel structures are an ideal building method due to their minimal on-site construction volume, quick installation, and controllable overall costs. The high-altitude glass viewing platform features a steel truss structure, with the furthest cantilever extending 37 meters and the nearest one extending 27 meters. The truss height near the cantilever support is 2.4 meters, gradually decreasing to 1.5 meters at the cantilever end, which is more than 130 meters above the Nu River. Due to transportation restrictions on the G318, particular attention must be paid to the rational division of structural components when constructing with steel, ensuring that materials are split into transportable sizes while maintaining their mechanical performance. The entire steel truss was fabricated in 46 sections at the factory and then transported to the site for assembly and hoisting, with the main truss of the cantilever portion divided into 26 sections. The modular nature of steel structures facilitated the smooth transportation and installation of the viewing platform’s structural materials. The hoisting process requires extremely high precision in terms of pre-cambering the cantilever structure, welding, and controlling point displacement, compounded by the frequent strong winds on-site; this high requirement for labor skills is rare even in the Tibet region. The main exterior materials are made of red weathering steel plates and imported SGP laminated glass. These materials share the characteristics of excellent weather resistance, relatively simple construction processes, and ease of simplifying on-site operations, which is beneficial for project implementation. Other components of the project also utilize steel structures, weathering steel plates, and glass as primary materials, collectively creating a unique splash of red in the Nujiang Grand Canyon. ▼大悬挑的玻璃观景台,Large cantilevered glass viewing platform © 存在建筑 ▼大悬挑的玻璃观景台,Large cantilevered glass viewing platform © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼大悬挑的玻璃观景台,Large cantilevered glass viewing platform © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼怒江下游悬崖边远眺观景台,The viewing platform on the cliff of the lower reaches of Nujiang River © 存在建筑 西藏很多地区都依靠旅游产业的带动发展,如果没有人们的参与,也就没有了经济流通,很多地方就愈发荒芜贫瘠。项目建设初期,为了给景区做相关的旅游配套,在景区山坡北侧规划种植了近500亩果林,六年时间转瞬而过,这片原本是荒漠的土地已经被绿荫覆盖,果林也已投产两年,藏区充足的日照条件让这片土地上长出的葡萄、梨、桃子、苹果都无比的香甜可口。怒江72拐大峡谷景区目前已为当地提供了至少48个就业岗位,就业收入超过300万元/年。未来,我们衷心的希望这个项目能为区域旅游赋能,吸引更多游客的到来,为这片热土的发展注入新的活力。让这一片荒漠悬崖之上,也能长出无数的希望,为西藏地区的旅游产业和经济发展、人口就业、文化传播、农特产品输出等做出重要的贡献。 Many areas in Tibet rely on the tourism industry for development; without people’s participation, economic circulation would cease, leaving many places increasingly desolate and barren. In the early stages of the project, to support the tourism facilities in the scenic area, nearly 500 acres of fruit orchards were planned on the northern slope of the scenic area. Six years have passed in the blink of an eye, and this land, once a desert, is now covered in greenery. The fruit orchards have been in production for two years, and the ample sunlight in the region has resulted in exceptionally sweet and delicious grapes, pears, peaches, and apples. The Nujiang 72 Bends Grand Canyon scenic area has currently provided at least 48 jobs for locals, with an annual employment income exceeding 3 million yuan. In the future, we sincerely hope this project can empower regional tourism, attract more visitors, and inject new vitality into the development of this vibrant land. May this once-desolate cliffside bloom with countless hopes and make significant contributions to the tourism industry, economic development, job creation, cultural dissemination, and the export of local agricultural products in Tibet. ▼勇士山脚下沧桑雄阔的怒江大峡谷,The majestic Nujiang Grand Canyon at the foot of the Warrior Mountain © 存在建筑 ▼怒江南岸山顶的原生绿洲,The original oasis on the mountaintop on the south bank of Nu River © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼观景台的果园将荒漠变为了绿荫,The orchard on the observation deck turns the desert into greenery © Chill Shine丘文三映 ▼景区总平面图,masterplan © 小隐建筑 ▼高空玻璃观景台平面图,floor plan © 小隐建筑 ▼高空玻璃观景台平剖面图,section © 小隐建筑















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